
doorhead ['dɔ:hed]  ['dɔ:hed] 

doorhead 基本解释
doorhead 网络解释


1. 门框横木:doorframe 门框 | doorhead 门框横木 | doorjamb 门框直木

2. 门楣:doorhandle门把手 | doorhead门楣 | doorholder门夹;门扣;门球

doorhead 双语例句

1. A new type of advancement by full section descending slicing of doorhead is introduced.


2. But Lion Gate, leading later generations go on the Greek mythology, still engrave on the doorhead.

3. Although the legend couldn't be proved, the lions engraving on the doorhead remain their heroic posture. Lion gate is looking down the people who passed the gate augustly. It has been witnessing the passing years and the change of the world.


4. Advancement of Doorhead by Full Section Descending Slicing