
dose [dəʊs]  [doʊs] 







dose 基本解释


名词剂量,药量; (药的)一服,一剂; (处罚等)一回,一次,一番; (酒中的)配料,增味剂


及物动词给药; 给…服药; 把(药等)配分剂量; 在(酒)中加料

dose 相关例句



1. Failing the exam was a hard dose to swallow.

dose 网络解释


1. 剂:其所造成的影响以果蝇的棒眼(bareye)最为代表,因果蝇眼睛大小的变化与基因的剂 (dose)有关,而染色体发生重复的现象使基因的剂 增加,果蝇的眼复的现象.

2. (輻射)吸收劑量:格雷符号Gy,推导而来的电离辐射吸收剂量(dose)的标准国际单位(参见 radiation units). 这是以英国放射生物学家L.H.格雷(1905-1965年)的名字命名的. 装在双万向接头(gimbal)上边缘很重的圆盘,因此它的轴可在空间中任意定向.

3. 量,一次剂量:dosage meter 放射线量计 | dose 量,一次剂量 | dose calibrator 放射线剂量校准器

dose 词典解释

1. (药物等的)一剂,一服
    A dose of medicine or a drug is a measured amount of it which is intended to be taken at one time.

    e.g. One dose of penicillin can wipe out the infection.

2. dose的意思

2. (尤指数量很多的)一份,一次,一点
    You can refer to an amount of something as a dose of that thing, especially when you want to emphasize that there is a great deal of it.

    e.g. She was born with a healthy dose of self-confidence...
    e.g. The West is getting a heavy dose of snow and rain today.

3. 给…服药
    If you dose a person or animal with medicine, you give them an amount of it.

    e.g. The doctor fixed the rib, dosed him heavily with drugs, and said he would probably get better...
    e.g. I dosed myself with quinine.

dose 单语例句

1. I say this to add a dose of reality to the chatter about the man slated to announce his candidacy for president on February 10.

2. It found that those taking a daily dose of vitamin C were just two per cent less likely to catch a cold.

3. A citywide monitoring system will also be established to follow addicts and prevent them from taking more than one dose of adanon at a time.

4. Fueled by a dose of Linsanity and a timely coaching change, the Knicks are making a furious charge toward a division title.

5. These are best washed down with homemade cherry and scorpion liquor, followed by a sobering dose of wild jujube tea.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. The meat had a rubbery chew and a heavy dose of sharp, spiky garlic.

7. The recommended dose of chloral hydrate is one to two teaspoons prior to bed.

8. This clash leads to a series of funny incidents, with a hefty dose of office politics adding much spice to the proceedings.

9. The cost per dose is about HK $ 100, while the expense for administering the vaccination is HK $ 50.

10. But analysts agreed the local property market will receive a strong dose of adrenaline, sending asset prices up.

dose 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide

    Synonym: acid back breaker battery-acid dot Elvis loony toons Lucy in the sky with diamonds pane superman window pane Zen

2. dose什么意思

2. a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time

    Synonym: dosage

3. the quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time

    Synonym: dosage

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact

    Synonym: venereal disease VD venereal infection social disease Cupid's itch Cupid's disease Venus's curse sexually transmitted disease STD


1. administer a drug to

    e.g. They drugged the kidnapped tourist

    Synonym: drug

2. dose的近义词

2. treat with an agent
    add (an agent) to

    e.g. The ray dosed the paint