double current

double current

double current 单语例句

1. double current

1. The company said its goal is to double the current figures for coal output and total assets in 2012.

2. double current什么意思

2. According to current design for the proposed VAT on fuel, the fuel price will double from the present level after the tax is levied.

3. double current什么意思

3. The rate increases will also more than double the current freight rates, but even that was still far below the price peak in 2010.

4. double current什么意思

4. The double shoulder is a rarity, which is what makes the current Dow index activity particularly interesting.

5. double current的解释

5. The AVS standard also cuts bandwidth almost in half, which means service providers can transmit double the current content over the same bandwidth.

6. A recent McKinsey report has said the country is likely to double its oil imports by 2030 if the current growth rates continue.

7. " If China continues current growth rates it will almost double oil imports by 2030, " said a McKinsey report released at the end of last year.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. " If China continues current growth rates it will almost double oil imports by 2030, " said a recent McKinsey report.

9. " If China continues current growth rates it will almost double oil imports by 2030, " said a McKinsey report.