
doubled ['dʌbld]  ['dʌbld] 






doubled 基本解释
把…对折,折叠( double的过去式和过去分词 );是…的两倍;加倍;兼任;
doubled 网络解释

1. 两倍:double-track 使成双轨 | doubled 两倍 | doubleender 两头相同

2. 加倍:Documented 证明 | Doubled 加倍 | Drafted 起草

3. 增倍:Calculated 计算 | Doubled 增倍 | Instructed 指导

4. 加倍的:分离的 discrete | 加倍的 doubled | 精悍的 dynamic

doubled 单语例句

1. The turnover of this business sector has doubled every year since its establishment in 2010.

2. It also doubled its assets in Asia outside Japan and Singapore to S $ 44 billion, buying shares in two of China's three biggest banks.

3. doubled的近义词

3. But that sentence will be doubled if his Quranic recitation classes fail to make him a hafez someone who knows the Quran by heart.

4. But she faced a new calamity last month when triplets doubled her children in number.

5. China Life's 2006 profit more than doubled on investment gains from the country's booming stocks, providing the insurer with capital to expand into other financial services.

6. The victim's company signed the contract with the wife's company at a contract sum doubled the actual price charged by the actual vendor.

7. doubled的反义词

7. Matsui was doubled off first base when shortstop Jimmy Rollins nearly let Robinson Cano's popup drop before catching it as his glove scraped the dirt.

8. " The prices of graves in the same cemetery have at least doubled these days, " Wang told China Daily five years after she sealed the deal.

9. doubled的近义词

9. Schools began to give xylitol gum free to children after meals, and sales of chewing gum almost doubled during five years as xylitol's popularity grew.


10. China's pork prices had almost doubled since last summer because of rising costs, shrinking supplies and blue ear's spread.

doubled 英英释义



1. twice as great or many

    e.g. ate a double portion
           the dose is doubled
           a twofold increase

    Synonym: double twofold two-fold