
doughnuts ['dəʊnʌts]  ['doʊnʌts] 


doughnuts 基本解释
炸面圈( doughnut的名词复数 );
doughnuts 网络解释

1. 糖粉炸面包:糖醋猪里脊 Saute pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce | 糖粉炸面包 Doughnuts | 糖果式面包 Sweet bread

2. 面包圈:汉堡包 hamburger | 面包圈 doughnuts | 奶糖 toffee

3. 多纳/牛车轮:51. Cinnamon Raisins Danish Bread 肉桂葡萄干丹麦卷 | 52. Doughnuts 多纳/牛车轮 | 53. Spiral-shaped Chocolate Doughnuts 巧克力螺旋型多纳

doughnuts 单语例句

1. The Causeway Bay store has been equipped to have the capacity of producing up to 2000 doughnuts per day.

2. Marketers clamor for her endorsements, borrowing her name and image to peddle everything from cell phones to doughnuts.

3. Dunkin'announced yesterday that it has developed an alternative cooking oil and reformulated more than 50 menu items - doughnuts included.

4. Doughnuts with fillings contain even higher amounts of calories and trans fat, so stay away from this breakfast treat!

5. doughnuts

5. If you do not eat french fries for breakfast, why would you eat fried doughnuts?

6. doughnuts

6. Similar to doughnuts, frozen waffles are another example of empty calories when it comes to breakfast foods.