1. Her father gave her the two books he had written as her dowry.
2. The dowry would be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally.
3. She has a great dowry for art.
4. Never would she measure his love by the dowry he gave her.
1. 嫁妆:婚姻作为一项社会制度在大部分社会里给个体带来社会地位和人际关系上的变化.这种变化通过仪式为社会所承认,通过交换礼物来加以肯定.嫁妆(dowry)和聘礼(bride wealth)是说明这些礼物的人类学概念.目前为止对嫁妆和聘礼,
2. 嫁妆, 天资:18、god helps those who help themselves 天道酬勤 | 19、dowry 嫁妆, 天资 | 20、puberty 青春期
3. 天赋:substantial 有价值的 | dowry 天赋 | artifact 人造物品
4. (一斗笠) 嫁妝:dirge (德妓) 輓歌 | dowry (一斗笠) 嫁妝 | fertile (肥土) 肥沃的
1. 嫁妆;陪嫁
A woman's dowry is the money and goods which, in some cultures, her family gives to the man that she marries.
e.g. The money from her dowry was invested in her mother's store.
1. Camphor wood is known for its insect repellant properties, and its wood has been used traditionally in China for dowry and linen trunks.
2. In rural Guangxi, a bride has to include an embroidered quilt in her dowry.
3. The girl's parents called police recently saying they did not received the promised dowry money and wanted their daughter back.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. No family would approve of a daughter marrying a man too poor to afford a dowry and a decent future.
5. While the man is expected to pay for the house, the woman brings furniture and kitchenware as part of her dowry.
6. In ancient times, making insoles was an obligatory item in a Qiang woman's dowry when she got married.
7. Li said she sold her dowry and all the silverware passed down generations in her husband's family.
8. Rice was used to pay for medical expenses as well and was even used as the bridal dowry.