draft agreement

draft agreement

draft agreement 单语例句

1. The closely held draft document foresees a flexible agreement that would allow the two governments to adapt and shift responsibilities as conditions change.

2. Under the NBA's new collective bargaining agreement, this is the first year high school players won't be eligible for the draft.

3. They were said to comb through the draft looking for a possible agreement.

4. It paves the way for a modest agreement to cut trade barriers across various sectors, according to a copy of the final draft agreement obtained by journalists.

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5. A draft agreement on advance warning of ballistic missile tests was one of the key topics of the talks between top foreign ministry officials.

6. draft agreement的反义词

6. The draft agreement calls for disarming the Janjaweed and integrating some rebels into the national army and security forces.

7. It said that " significant progress'" had been achieved and that the negotiators may soon draw up the revised draft of the agreement.

8. draft agreement的解释

8. Karzai told lawmakers Tuesday that the government had sent NATO headquarters a draft agreement that would give Afghanistan more control over future NATO deployments.

9. The company was accused of not releasing information about its negotiations with Angola until the two parties had signed a draft agreement.

10. draft agreement的近义词

10. A member of parliament's foreign affairs and national security commission made clear he opposed the draft agreement.