
dragoman ['drægəʊmən]  ['drægəmən] 

dragoman 基本解释


dragoman 网络解释

1. 译员:entertainer演艺人员 | dragoman译员 | assemblyman议员

2. 译员,向导:yeoman 自耕农,自由民,仆人 | dragoman 译员,向导 | Dahoman 达荷美人

3. 译员兼导游:735 draggled ..........又湿又脏 | 736 dragoman ..........译员兼导游 | 737 dragoon ..........迫使

4. 口译, 导游, 译员 (名):dragnet 拖网; 搜索网 (名) | dragoman 口译, 导游, 译员 (名) | dragon 龙, 凶暴的人 (名)

dragoman 英英释义


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1. an interpreter and guide in the Near East
    in the Ottoman Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries a translator of European languages for the Turkish and Arab authorities and most dragomans were Greek (many reached high positions in the government)