
drain [dreɪn]  [dren] 






drain 基本解释


不及物动词排水; 流干

及物动词喝光,喝干; 使(精力、金钱等)耗尽; 使流出; 排掉水

名词排水; 下水道; 排水系统; [医]引流

drain 相关例句


1. He drained a bottle of beer.

2. Land must be well drained for some crops.


1. Luckily the water drained away in time.

2. Hang up the washing to drain.


1. What he has spent is a drain on the savings of his parents.

2. The bathtub drain needs repairing.

drain 网络解释


1. 漏极:+ [[晶体管]]有三个[[极]];[[双极性晶体管]]的三个极,分别由N型跟P型组成[[射极|发射极]](Emitter)、[[基极]] (Base)和[[集极|集电极]](Collector [[场效应晶体管]]的三个极,分别是[[源极]] (Source)、[[闸极|栅极]](Gate)和[[泄极|漏极]](Drain).

2. 排水:开机后,自检过程直接转为排水(drain)程序,记时15:00,然后时间开始下降,当时间到7:00时,又跳到15:00,如此反复,同时小手亮提示:fuild tubes no in safe bypass.

drain 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 排出;(使)流出
    If you drain a liquid from a place or object, you remove the liquid by causing it to flow somewhere else. If a liquid drains somewhere, it flows there.

    e.g. Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines...
    e.g. Now the focus is on draining the water...

2. drain的反义词

2. (使)流干;(使)排干
    If you drain a place or object, you dry it by causing water to flow out of it. If a place or object drains, water flows out of it until it is dry.

    e.g. Vast numbers of people have been mobilised to drain flooded land...
    e.g. The soil drains freely and slugs aren't a problem.

3. (使)(水分)滤去,滤干
    If you drain food or if food drains, you remove the liquid that it has been in, especially after it has been cooked or soaked in water.

    e.g. Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce...
    e.g. Wash the leeks thoroughly and allow them to drain.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 下水道;排水管;阴沟
    A drain is a pipe that carries water or sewage away from a place, or an opening in a surface that leads to the pipe.

    e.g. Tony built his own house and laid his own drains.
    e.g. ...storm drains.

5. 喝干;喝光
    If someone drains a glass, they empty it by drinking what is in it.

    e.g. Pamela drained her glass and refilled it.

6. (使)(脸上血色)消失,消退
    If the colour or the blood drains or is drained from someone's face, they become very pale. You can also say that someone's face drains or is drained of colour.

    e.g. Harry felt the colour drain from his face...
    e.g. Thacker's face drained of colour...

7. (情感)消失,消散
    If a feeling drains or is drained out of you, it gradually becomes less strong until you no longer feel it.

    e.g. And then, suddenly, the euphoria began to drain away...
    e.g. She felt the tension drain out of her...

8. 使精疲力竭;使心力交瘁
    If something drains you, it leaves you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted.

    e.g. My emotional turmoil had drained me.

United left the pitch looking stunned and drained.
This work is physically exhausting and emotionally draining.

9. (使)(精力)耗尽
      If energy drains or is drained from you, you lose all energy and become very tired.

      e.g. As his energy drained away, his despair and worry grew...
      e.g. I can help resolve conflicts that drain energy.

He could rest only when he was too drained of energy to fret further.

10. (金钱或资源的)大量消耗,耗竭,耗费
      If you say that something is a drain on an organization's finances or resources, you mean that it costs the organization a large amount of money, and you do not consider that it is worth it.

      e.g. ...an ultra-modern printing plant, which has been a big drain on resources...
      e.g. Fraud trials are often complex and have become an expensive drain on the public purse.

11. 用尽;耗尽;用完
      If you say that a country's or a company's resources or finances are drained, you mean that they are used or spent completely.

      e.g. The state's finances have been drained by war...
      e.g. The company has steadily drained its cash reserves.

12. 被毁掉;被浪费掉
      If you say that something is going down the drain, you mean that it is being destroyed or wasted.

      e.g. They were aware that their public image was rapidly going down the drain...
      e.g. He lamented that four years of his life had gone down the drain because of an injury to his groin.

13. 破产;倒闭
      If you say that a business is going down the drain, you mean that it is failing financially.

      e.g. Small local stores are going down the drain.

相关词组:drain off

drain 单语例句

1. Within it was a training track of similar length and within this ran a canal which helped drain it.

2. The People's Bank of China will gradually sell the debt into the market to drain cash from the banking system.

3. drain的解释

3. Those still under purchase agreements or on leases that can't be terminated early will continue to drain cash.

4. The central bank has raised banks'reserve requirement several times this year to drain liquidity.

5. Despite the added drain on their energy, she remained adamant about the need to fundraise using new methods like marathon running.

6. drain的反义词

6. Drain the pasta and fava beans, and add to the bowl.

7. Wash and drain the cherry tomatoes and squeeze each slightly so the pulp and juices leak out.

8. If the $ 80 million goes down the drain, how can Blue Ridge China explain things to its investors?

9. drain

9. Soak the clams in cold water to remove grit and sand, then drain.

10. Drain the soaked chickpeas and combine with the water in a saucepan.

drain 英英释义



1. emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of it

    Synonym: drainage

2. danci.911cha.com

2. a gradual depletion of energy or resources

    e.g. a drain on resources
           a drain of young talent by emigration

3. a pipe through which liquid is carried away

    Synonym: drainpipe waste pipe

4. tube inserted into a body cavity (as during surgery) to remove unwanted material


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. make weak

    e.g. Life in the camp drained him

    Synonym: enfeeble debilitate

2. empty of liquid
    drain the liquid from

    e.g. We drained the oil tank

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. deplete of resources

    e.g. The exercise class drains me of energy

4. drain什么意思

4. flow off gradually

    e.g. The rain water drains into this big vat

    Synonym: run out