
drake [dreɪk]  [drek] 


drake 基本解释



drake 反义词


drake 相关例句



1. In the evenings the drakes cry continually from the pools.

drake 网络解释


1. 公鸭:最后一个种族是Z hon,正如很多传说中那样的凶神恶煞,旋舞(Trolls)是强壮的武士,可以很快地自我繁殖,狂魔(GiantBats)有很强的攻击力,并且往往会在受到反击之前迅速地逃开,公鸭(Drake)是一条小型的龙,只不过它比样子更为可怕.

2. [幼龙]:另外,山地四处都生活着大步者、土狼、狗头人(kobolds)、猛禽、峭壁黑豹、甚至还有岩石巨人(rock elemental)和稀有的剑齿虎(sabertooth cat)在石爪山东面山峰的更高处是双足飞龙(wyvern)和幼龙(drake)生活的混乱地区.

3. 鸭:正如很多传说中那样的凶神恶煞,旋舞(Trolls)是强壮的武士,可以很快地自我繁殖,狂魔(GiantBats)有很强的攻击力,并且往往会在受到反击之前迅速地逃开,公鸭(Drake)是一条小型的龙,只不过它比样子更为可怕游戏中还会有几项重大的改进,

drake 词典解释

1. drake是什么意思

1. 公鸭
    A drake is a male duck.

drake 单语例句

1. Drake earlier declined to comment on Gates'statement directly, saying that the company's concern is that Lee has knowledge of highly sensitive information.

2. " She's joking and visiting in her room, " Drake said.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Drake said Reagan stayed the night in the same room where former President Ronald Reagan stayed after he broke his hip at home in 2001.

4. She first came to Nickelodeon in a role on the sitcom " Drake & Josh, " playing Drake's little sister.

5. drake的意思

5. " It's been quite a while since we really struggled to get bands into the game, " Drake says.

6. He said Drake had lived for 10 years with the woman, who had been hospitalized for mental illness before.

7. " The Beatles are going to bring a whole new audience into music gaming, " says John Drake of MTV Games.

8. " The new freighter service will definitely improve TNT's business network in China, " said Drake.

9. Drake said TNT would continue to invest in China but has not set any investment plan.

10. Drake said the Reagan family would mark the event in a subdued manner.

drake 英英释义



1. adult male of a wild or domestic duck