
drapery [ˈdreɪpəri]  ['dreɪpərɪ] 


drapery 基本解释


名词布料及服装业或所经售的货物; 打褶悬挂的布等


drapery 网络解释


1. 有褶子的布料. 窗帘布料:drape 窗帘 | drapery 有褶子的布料. 窗帘布料 | hangings 门帘,帷幕

2. (供装饰用的)织物, 帏帐, 布料:do one's devoir 尽职责 | drapery (供装饰用的)织物, 帏帐, 布料 | skatebarrow 板鳃亚纲鱼的卵囊

3. 大窗帘:panel大窗帘 | drapery大窗帘 | tieback绑带

4. 帘子:double bed 双人床 | drapery 帘子 | dresser 梳妆台

drapery 词典解释

1. (打褶悬挂的)织物;窗帘;衣物
    You can refer to cloth, curtains, or clothing hanging in folds as drapery or draperies .

    e.g. In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.

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2. 布料,布匹
    Drapery is cloth that you buy in a shop.

    e.g. My mother ran a couple of drapery shops.

in AM, use 美国英语用 dry goods
drapery 单语例句

1. Television images showed a Long Beach drapery business that had its storefront window knocked out.

drapery 英英释义



1. hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)

    Synonym: curtain drape mantle pall

2. cloth gracefully draped and arranged in loose folds