1. Lack of funds can be a drawback if you want to invest in a sure thing.
2. The only drawback of the plan is that it costs too much.
3. A drawback is made on customs duties on imported goods when they are later exported.
1. 缺点:因为客户端回调是一个轻量级的AJAX框架,所以它也有一个很大的缺点(drawback),首先,客户端回调只能以字符串的形式在客户端与服务器间传输;其次,开发者必须同时提供服务器处理函数以及客户端结果送显(rerender controls)的脚本.
2. 退税:这些优惠包括税项豁免(Duty Relief), 退税(Drawback)和补税仓(Bonded Warehouse)延税. 作为一名进口商, 你应该对与进口货物相关的 政府计划,法规等做深入了解,不清楚之处应向有关部门 查询, 以保无虞.
3. 缺陷:在决定了程度以后,您可以查看下面的表格,根据相应程度,到相关章节里面去选取所需的特长(Advantage)和缺陷(Drawback). 所谓的特长,指您的战团特别侧重、突出的优势项目;所谓的缺陷,指您不得不放弃的地方,以便集中精力有所专长.
4. 松紧条痕疵:松紧条痕疵 (Drawback) - 产生这种缺陷的原因是由于逐渐施加于许多经纱上的由一些不正常限制所造成的多余张力. 当限制消除后,这些过分松弛的经纱会逐渐被织入到织物当中去,从而产生织物缺陷.
1. 缺点;缺陷;不利条件
A drawback is an aspect of something or someone that makes them less acceptable than they would otherwise be.
e.g. He felt the apartment's only drawback was that it was too small.
1. The only drawback is that it only runs with an AC adapter, not batteries.
2. A large drawback to going public is that the current owners of the privately held corporation lose a part of their ownership.
3. The only drawback is that most of the best dishes are spicy.
4. drawback的翻译
4. Some view it as a benefit since credit cards allow overdrafts but others think it is a drawback as overdraft can lead to financial trouble.
5. drawback
5. But the children also said the worst drawback was parents bickering over the time they got to spend with them.
6. Chinese banks'high reliance on interest income is seen as a drawback to their profitability as compared to their international competitors.
7. A key drawback to moving to another " processor architecture " is that programs created for the current version of Windows won't work on the new chips.
8. Things went well until they suffered a severe drawback in 1998, when the Southeast Asian economic crisis spread.
9. The most serious drawback for China's universities is that they are not diverse enough, but it does not have to be like that.
10. Another drawback of the plan is that it fails to clarify who exactly should oversee government investment accountability.
1. the quality of being a hindrance
e.g. he pointed out all the drawbacks to my plan