
drawers [drɔ:z]  [drɔ:rz] 


drawers 基本解释
内裤;抽屉( drawer的名词复数 );开票人,出票人;小衣;
drawers 网络解释

1. 抽屉:海扇壳(cockle shell)装饰雕刻最为流行,有的刻在卡布里腿(cabriole legs)的弯膝(knees)部位,椅背的顶冠 (cresting),抽屉(drawers)和椅裙(aprons)的中间处,并往往成为雕刻设计的中心图案(center motif).

drawers 单语例句

1. drawers

1. When they returned shortly afterwards, they apparently grew suspicious after noticing several drawers had been left open.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. It is reported that the laurels she has won in various local, provincial and national competitions have filled up several drawers in her room at home.

3. He has already sold off some of his precious emblems and coins to other collectors, but he still has many lying in drawers waiting to be displayed.

4. The razor blades will go into the drawers and gather dust for four weeks as men begin a celebration of manhood.

5. An's room simply bursts with postcards - they are in the drawers, piled up on the bed and can even be found under her pillow.

6. But all those electronic tools and toys gathering dust in the cupboards and drawers can attest to my credential as a gadget freak.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. And its purpose is for keeping your drawers, cabinets and shelves clean.

8. drawers的意思

8. Really valuable and good works from unknown writers are sometimes locked away in drawers or are posted online.

9. On finding no one at the office, they started looking for valuable items in the drawers and cupboards that could compensate them.

10. When nobody was around, she rummaged through Li's drawers and found a bank card and its PIN.

drawers 英英释义


1. underpants worn by women

    e.g. she was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing

    Synonym: bloomers pants knickers

2. danci.911cha.com

2. underpants worn by men

    Synonym: underdrawers shorts boxers boxershorts