dream up

dream up [dri:m ʌp]  [drim ʌp] 

dream up 基本解释



dream up 网络解释


1. (凭想象)虚构:dream of 梦到;梦想;向往 | dream up (凭想象)虚构 | dress up 穿上盛装

2. 虚构,凭空想出:13.Japanese characters 日本的特点 | 14.dream up... 虚构,凭空想出 | 15.spare time 业余时间

3. 空想出:dream of 梦见 | dream up 空想出 | dream 做梦

4. 设计,想出,编造:draw up起草,拟订 | dream up设计,想出,编造 | dress up打扮得漂漂亮亮,着盛装;化装

dream up 词典解释

1. 凭空想象出;虚构出
    If you dream up a plan or idea, you work it out or create it in your mind.

    e.g. I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once...
    e.g. The event was dreamed up by Mick Jagger...

dream up 单语例句

1. His wife had a car accident in July last year and Steiner promised he would never give up on his Olympic dream before she died.

2. After going to all the major hospitals in the city, she was finally forced to give up her dream of curing her daughter's illness.

3. dream up在线翻译

3. The soccer star has named his dream dinner party line up, and sided with royalty and political leaders over actors or musicians.

4. dream up的意思

4. After wrapping up all 10 gold medals at the Shanghai World Championships, the Chinese diving " dream team " sees no barrier to dominating the London pool.

5. Wall Street Man has exhibited a fantastic ability to dream up solutions to problems, even when the problems don't exist.

6. He says his dream is to give up drugs and live a normal life.

7. Li still cherishes his dream of helping build up a comfortable asylum for the homeless.

8. dream up的近义词

8. Their dream was to set up a factory that produced comfortable shoes that fit all types of feet.

9. " It's been one of those dream successes which doesn't come up in many people's lifetimes, " Gregg says.

10. Many people buy cars to realize their dream of individual mobility as they clean up in the booming domestic stock market.

dream up 英英释义


1. dream up

1. devise or invent

    e.g. He thought up a plan to get rich quickly
           no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software

    Synonym: think up think of hatch concoct