






drilled 基本解释
操练;钻( drill的过去式和过去分词 );打;训练;
drilled 网络解释


1. 钻过孔的:drilled oil ring 钻孔刮油环 | drilled 钻过孔的 | driller 钻床

2. 钻孔的:drill speed;钻孔速度 | drilled;钻孔的 | drilled bar;钻有孔的杆

drilled 单语例句

1. In Kidd's operation, small holes were drilled in his left knee to form scar tissue that replaces cartilage.

2. drilled在线翻译

2. While they may remember some of the grammar points drilled into their heads decades ago, they tend to clam up in real conversation.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. The concept of sharing is drilled into us during our formative years, so why should social and economic inequities suddenly lost on us when we grow up?

4. drilled

4. These future leaders were drilled in curricula that understandably place the interests of the US at the core.

5. A preliminary investigation found that workers mistakenly drilled into neighboring deserted mines, causing water seepage and the ensuing flood.

6. The Netherlands'best chance came a minute later, but Dirk Kuyt drilled a shot just wide.

7. Crews dove underwater to thread five large slings around the plane and through holes they drilled in the wings.

8. Li said the company had successfully drilled eight wells to further enhance reserves and production growth in the future.

9. Pumps are being drilled a kilometer or more into the earth to find water, thousands of more wells have dried up altogether and agricultural yields are shrinking.

10. He said most of the survivors were brought out from a working platform, where rescuers had drilled a vertical hole last week.

drilled 英英释义



1. trained in a skill by repetitious practice

    e.g. well-drilled in military procedures