drop in

drop in [drɔp in]  [drɑp ɪn] 

drop in 基本解释

drop in的解释

投入; <非正>愿意参加; 顺便拜访; 降下

drop in 相关例句

drop in是什么意思


1. After disappearing for five years, she just dropped in last night.

drop in 情景对话


A:Well, I must be off now. I have an appointment at six.

B:In that case, I won’t keep you any longer. Drop in any time.

A:OK. Goodbye.

B:See you later.


B:We‘d like a chance to bid on this business.

A:We‘ll be taking quotations next month .

B:Will you let us have the specifications ?

A:Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up .


A:Stand back from the door, please. There’re plenty of seats in the rear.

B:What’s the fare, please?

A:One yuan fifty cents. Drop it in the box here.
      1 元5 角,把它放进箱子里。

B:Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park?

A:Take a No.2. This is No.12.
      应该乘2 路车,这是12 路。

B:But somebody told me this was the right bus to take. I want to go to Tian’anmen Square, you see.

A:Then this is the right bus. Move on, please. You’re holding up the passengers. Tian’anmen Square is the last stop but one.

B:Would you please let me know when we get there?

A:Sure thing. I’ll shout it out.

drop in 网络解释

1. 顺便(非正式)访问:draw in (火车、汽车等)进站 | drop in 顺便(非正式)访问 | fall in love with 爱上某人

2. 顺便走访(某人):dozens of 几十 | drop in 顺便走访某人 | due to 由于,因为

3. 顺便走访:hand in hand 并进,联合,手牵手 | drop in 顺便走访 | join in 参加,加入

4. 顺便访问:14.drop by 顺便访问 | 15.drop in 顺便访问 | 16.drop off 减弱

drop in 词典解释
drop in的意思

1. 顺道拜访;突然拜访
    If you drop in on someone, you visit them informally, usually without having arranged it.

    e.g. Whenever I'm up there I always drop in...
    e.g. Why not drop in for a chat?...

drop in 单语例句

1. Business registration fees recorded a 90 percent drop to HK $ 155 million in the same period.

2. A drop in tourism and business in Las Vegas could also translate into savings for travelers this year.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Mornings are the best time to see the market in full bustle, but many believe prices drop towards the end of the day.

4. During the busy summer movie season, top hits often drop 50 percent or more in the second weekend.

5. In some parts of Inner Mongolia and northeastern China, temperature could drop by 14 degrees Celsius.

6. drop in

6. The station said temperatures in Inner Mongolia would drop by 10 degrees Celsius over the next three days.

7. drop in的解释

7. Heavy snow and gale force winds have already caused the temperature to drop by 18 degrees in Altay in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

8. Heavy snow and gale force winds caused the temperature to drop by 18 degrees in Altay in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region last week.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. Temperatures in these regions are expected to drop by some 10 degrees Celsius afterwards.

10. drop in的反义词

10. Temperatures will drop by up to 8 degrees Celsius in parts of those regions.

drop in 英英释义

drop in


1. drop in

1. visit informally and spontaneously

    e.g. We frequently drop by the neighbors' house for a cup of coffee

    Synonym: drop by come by