drop through

drop through [drɔp θru:]  [drɑp θru] 

drop through 基本解释

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drop through 网络解释

1. 崩溃:drop the reins of government 下台 | drop through 崩溃 | drop to one's knees 迫使某人屈服

2. 崩溃, 失败:drop throat 沉降式流液洞. | drop through 崩溃, 失败. | drop to 下降到. 跌到.

3. 落空,失败:cut through 穿过,凿穿 | drop through 落空,失败 | fall through 失败,落空

4. 滴穿:droppingmercuryelectrode 滴汞电极 | drop-through 滴穿 | drop-weighttest 落重试验

drop through 单语例句

1. It benefited from a drop in iron ore and coking coal contract prices, set to continue through the second quarter of this year.

2. It did not show the drop through the trap or Saddam dead.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Asian stocks tumbled Thursday as a sharp drop on Wall Street overnight and expectations of higher US interest rates sent jitters through the region's markets.

4. Assignments are submitted through electronic " drop boxes " on the school's website.

5. I felt as though I would drop through the floor any moment.

6. " The majority of China's planned capacity would drop through, " said the source.

7. drop through什么意思

7. But forecasters said temperatures were expected to drop, and the snow would continue through Thursday morning.

8. To make them drop the act, prosecutors should tell them they can see through their " disguise " right at the beginning.

9. It predicted that the most likely victims of bird flu will be poultry farmers, not through sickness but through a drop in chicken sales.

10. A pair of drop earrings caught the late afternoon sun that shone through the cafe's bay window.