dry season

dry season [drai ˈsi:zən]  [draɪ ˈsizən] 

dry season 基本解释
dry season 网络解释

1. 旱季:非洲大陆撒哈拉大沙漠(Sahara)和其附近的内陆国家平均温度的确较高,旱季(dry season)达到摄氏四十度以上是稀松平常的事,如布基纳法索(Burkina Faso)、毛里塔尼亚(Mauritania)、马里(Mali)等国就是这样,而非洲南部地区冬天(六七月份)可低至零下十几度,

2. 干季:气象上另有所谓乾季(dry season),乃泛指气候上雨量特别少的季节,如台湾南部地区的春季即是. 长时间大气环流的异常分布,可促使正常的天气系统改变强度或路径,导致某些地区成雨系统的短缺而乾旱,气象上的阻塞高压即有此特性.

3. 枯水季节:哭穷complain about impoverishment; pretend to be poor | 枯水季节dry season | 跨国公司transnational corporation

4. 枯水季:dry rectifier 干式整流 | dry season 枯水季 | dry type forced air cooled transformer 干式强制风冷变压器

dry season 单语例句

1. The official also complained about the monitoring results, saying the COD and density of pollutants would be higher in the dry season.

2. dry season的反义词

2. After that date it usually rains, ending the annual dry season in the greater Tainan area.

3. The silver lining is that the heavy rainfall is greatly needed, as Zhangzhou enters the dry season with 470 local reservoirs only half full.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. The official made the statement at a meeting with stakeholders involved in special intervention on dry season paddy production in the northern state of Sokoto.

5. During the dry season the villagers have to trek many kilometers to get water from a well.

6. Very little rain is expected later this year as well now that the dry season has begun.

7. China faces severe situation in forest fire prevention given the dry spring season, he said.

8. " The cracks will cause no immediate havoc as the Yangtze River is in dry season, " Zheng said.

9. dry season的反义词

9. Friday's blaze has also prompted a nationwide campaign to stamp out threats of fire in this dry and windy winter season.

10. Lastly, don't forget to protect your hair in this dry season.

dry season 英英释义


1. dry season

1. one of the two seasons in tropical climates