dull pain

dull pain[dʌl pein] 

dull pain 基本解释

dull pain


dull pain 网络解释

dull pain

1. 钝痛:晚上盗汗严重,惊悸乏力,晚上头痛加重,伴侣们,马上想到阴病或者血病其次,按照虚实性质(严重还是不严重)来判断下,头痛要是是隐痛(anguish pain)和钝痛(dull pain)的,缓慢性的,归于虚证,

2. 暗 痛:Distended Pain 賑 痛 | Dull Pain 暗 痛 | Earache 耳 痛

3. 隐痛:dizzy, vertugo眩晕 | dull pain隐痛 | fever发热

4. 钝疼:swelling 肿胀 | dull pain 钝疼 | headache 头疼

dull pain 单语例句

1. dull pain的翻译

1. She said despite more than 60 days'treatment, the boy still felt acute pain in his body and his eyes looked dull.

2. Tsang went to hospital at around 10 pm, complaining of a dull pain in his chest.

3. It's supposed to dull the pain but it also does wonders for your mood.

4. Such substances not only kill pain and dull the senses but also can cause coma and death by shutting down breathing and circulation.