
duplicated [du:plɪ'keɪtɪd]  [du:plɪ'keɪtɪd] 






duplicated 基本解释
复制出的,复写书的;复印;重复,被复制,复制( duplicate的过去式和过去分词 );使成双;
duplicated 网络解释


1. 复制:duplicate 复制 | duplicated 复制 | duplicating macline 复印机

2. 重复的:Payroll 薪水册 | Duplicated 重复的 | Distribution channel 销售渠道

3. 该用户需求和别的用户需求重复:Verified该用户需求已经完成最后确认 | Duplicated该用户需求和别的用户需求重复 | Rejected该用户需求被拒绝

4. 二重化:duplicate, to ==> 複製する | duplicated ==> 二重化 | durability ==> 耐久性

duplicated 单语例句

1. The country that created the world's first cloned canine plans to put duplicated dogs on patrol to sniff out drugs and explosives.

2. The series became one of HBO's trademark shows, the kind it can rightly claim isn't duplicated by the broadcast networks.

3. Company industry and commerce business license or other valid documentation proving employment unit qualifications, and duplicated copy.

4. I think helping to foster an industry or establishing preferential policies can be copied, but the geographic and demographic characteristics of Zhongguancun cannot be duplicated.

5. Face recognition is superior to fingerprint recognition because fingerprints can be duplicated or spoilt.

6. Huaxi's success cannot be duplicated because it depends on the flair and personality of one person.

7. The messages on the children's streamers have since been duplicated and are now floating in all corners of the earth.

8. He said he followed his Marxist ideologies to China, but he quickly learned its political system could not be duplicated in Europe.

9. What distinguishes digital contents from physical contents is that they can be duplicated at numberless channels without incurring any cost.

10. The penchant for peace and harmony at the national level is duplicated for the world stage.