durable goods

durable goods[ˈdjuərəbl ɡudz] 

durable goods 基本解释

durable goods的反义词


durable goods 网络解释

1. 耐用品:耐用品(Durable goods)指使用时间较长,至少在1年以上的物品,如电冰箱、汽车、电视机、机械设备等. 耐用品单位价值较高,购买频率较低,需要许多的人员推销和服务,销售价格较高,利润也较大.

2. 耐久財:耐久财(durable goods)指的是不会在短期间内损坏、或者甚至能够随著时间持续产出服务或使用价值的财货,例如建材、汽车、飞机、大型家电、影音设备、企业设备、体育或游戏用品等.

3. 耐久商品:与此同时国家调查局(US Census Bureau)表示尽管大量的国防订单涌入,11月份耐久商品(Durable Goods)的订单还是下跌了1%,这是已经是连续4个月下跌. 商务部(Commerce Department)带来了物价下跌的消息,11月份平均物价因为燃油和食品价格的下跌而下跌1.1%,

4. 耐用物品:dumping 倾销 | durable goods 耐用物品 | duty 税

durable goods 词典解释

1. (汽车、电视等)耐用消费品
    Durable goods or durables are goods such as televisions or cars which are expected to last a long time, and are bought infrequently.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 consumer durables
durable goods 单语例句

1. The index distils consumers'attitudes toward current and future macroeconomic performance, their future earnings and plans for purchases of major durable goods into a composite figure.

2. The dollar strengthened against the euro after US consumer spending and orders for durable goods were higher than economists'forecasts.

3. " But a sharp fall in durable goods'prices shows that consumer demand is still weak, " he said.

4. The number of durable consumer goods owned by local residents is increasing rapidly.

5. China has officially introduced an installment payment plan for certain expensive durable consumer goods, according to a circular issued recently by the Ministry of Commerce.

6. China's west is about to experience a revolution in durable consumer goods - from color TV sets to refrigerators.

7. The ownership rate of durable consumer goods in Chinese cities is among the highest in the world.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. But with economic prosperity, apparels have changed from durable consumer goods to fast moving consumer products.

9. Only those working in the city's durable goods or fast moving consumer goods manufacturing sectors said their salary dropped this year.

10. durable goods的解释

10. Meanwhile some products that were used to be considered durable goods are now becoming fast moving consumer goods.

durable goods 英英释义


1. consumer goods that are not destroyed by use

    Synonym: durables consumer durables