
duskiness ['dʌskɪnɪs]  ['dʌskɪnɪs] 

duskiness 基本解释


名词昏暗; 黑暗; 微暗; 微黑

duskiness 网络解释

1. 微暗:duskily 微暗地 | duskiness 微暗 | dusky 微暗的

2. 微暗; 微黑 (名):dusk 薄暮, 黄昏, 傍晚 (名) | duskiness 微暗; 微黑 (名) | dusky 微暗的; 忧郁的; 朦胧的 (形)

duskiness 双语例句


1. The father's face changed to a ghastly duskiness of hue; the daughter's face dropped upon her clasped hands, and was never lifted again throughout the interview.

2. He is wearing the wings of the bird sacred to the goddess of love, but they have been purposely studied from their most humble, even degraded form: a town pigeon`s duskiness, not the ring-dove s pearls and pinks.

duskiness 英英释义


1. a swarthy complexion

    Synonym: darkness swarthiness

2. the state of being poorly illuminated

    Synonym: dimness