

e-dictionary 双语例句

1. What I want to know is it will be important to use an e-dictionary.


2. I want to know whether it will be important to use an e-dictionary.


3. I have an e-dictionary and it is very useful.

4. Do you understand how to learn to use an e-dictionary?

5. I can`t open my e-dictionary on my new computer.


6. Compared with traditional dictionary, I think e-dictionary is more convenient to take and use.

7. On my opinion, E-dictionary is more convenient to carry and use compared with traditional ones.


8. Compare to traditional dictonary, in my opionion, e-dictionary is more comfortabale to carry and use

9. Perhaps you left your e-dictionary in the dorm.


10. E-dictionary refers to palm e-dictionary, personal computer dictionary and on-line dictionary.

11. Now Mocky was happy again because he could read the story with the e-dictionary!


12. Her mom helped by circling unfamiliar words in Studio Classroom, the English magazine she studied. Jenny then looked the words up in an e-dictionary. Soon she could read entire articles without help.