
earnest [ˈɜ:nɪst]  [ˈɜ:rnɪst] 


earnest 基本解释


形容词热心的; 诚挚的,真挚的; 重要的

名词认真; 诚挚; 热心; 定钱,保证金

earnest 同义词

形容词determined resolute decided sincere serious devoted

earnest 反义词


形容词idle lazy indolent

earnest 相关例句


1. It is my earnest wish that you use this money to continue you study of music.

2. She is earnest in her work.

3. Mary is an earnest worker.


1. I'm not joking; I'm in earnest.

2. As an earnest of my good intentions I will reconsider your request.

earnest 网络解释

1. 认真的:dynamic 精悍的 | earnest 认真的 | well-educated 受过良好教育的

2. 定金,保证金:1368earned surplus 营业盈余,已获盈余 | 1369earnest 定金,保证金 | 1370earning power 盈利能力,收益能力

3. 热心;真实;认真的;真挚的:earn 挣得 | earnest 热心;真实;认真的;真挚的 | earnestmoney 定金

earnest 词典解释

1. (更)严肃地;(更)郑重地
    If something is done or happens in earnest, it happens to a much greater extent and more seriously than before.

    e.g. Campaigning will begin in earnest tomorrow...
    e.g. The two countries can finally start negotiating in earnest about issues of mutual concern.

2. earnest的翻译

2. 认真的;诚挚的;真诚的
    Earnest people are very serious and sincere in what they say or do, because they think that their actions and beliefs are important.

    e.g. Ella was a pious, earnest woman...
    e.g. His expression is as earnest when he smiles as when he is arguing...

He was admired by many for his earnestness.

3. earnest什么意思

3. 认真地;诚挚地;真诚地
    If you are in earnest, you are sincere in what you are doing and saying.

    e.g. It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers...
    e.g. No one could tell whether he was in earnest or in jest.

earnest 单语例句

1. They should discuss the issues calmly in order to resolve them in good faith and seek to make such dialogue regular and earnest.

2. Supporting measures must be formulated quickly so that we can carry out the plan for reforming the export tax rebate system in earnest.

3. earnest是什么意思

3. The current campaign to clear up extended custody seems to be going on in earnest.

4. It calls for continuous and earnest efforts from all parties, waiting in the process of implementation down the negotiation table.

5. Once the two countries'begin cooperating in this field in right earnest, the figure could jump to 25 percent.

6. It is increasingly a consensus of African countries that China's coming as an earnest cooperator marks the beginning of Africa's renewal.

7. " Earnest and timely corrective and remedial measures have been taken to solve the problems, " he said.

8. earnest在线翻译

8. He said the State Council will make earnest research into and adopt their good advices and suggestions.

9. The deputy finance minister herself is an earnest advocator of the idea.

10. Doyle describes the singer as dependable and earnest, saying that she has only just begun to show her inner potential.

earnest 英英释义



1. something of value given by one person to another to bind a contract


1. earnest

1. not distracted by anything unrelated to the goal

    Synonym: businesslike

2. characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions

    e.g. both sides were deeply in earnest, even passionate
           an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant
           a film with a solemn social message

    Synonym: sincere solemn

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. earnest

    e.g. one's dearest wish
           devout wishes for their success
           heartfelt condolences

    Synonym: dear devout heartfelt