1. 耳机:[摘要] 本发明提出一种自动辨别模拟信号输出和输入的装置及方法,利用插入语音插座(phone jack)的外接装置的阻抗,判断插入语音插座(phone jack)的外接装置为模拟输出,如:喇叭(speaker)、耳机(earphone)等,或是模拟输入,如麦克风(
2. 耳机(受话器):爱尔兰 erlang | 耳机(受话器) earphone | 耳机额定阻抗 rated impedance of earphone
3. 头带受话器耳机:earom ==> 电改写只读存储器 | earphone ==> 头带受话器耳机 | earpiece ==> 受话平顶盖
4. 耳机、耳塞、听筒:early reflection 早期发射 E/R | earphone 耳机、耳塞、听筒 | earphone jack 耳机插孔
1. 耳机
Earphones are a small piece of equipment which you wear over or inside your ears so that you can listen to a radio or cassette recorder without anyone else hearing.
2. (电话)听筒
An earphone is the part of a telephone receiver or other device that you hold up to your ear or put into your ear.
1. A radio receiver was installed in each of the objects and the cheater could obtain answers through an earphone and see them on a receiver.
2. A participant helps another wear an earphone at a seminar held in advance of the 2007 annual meetings of the African Development Bank Group yesterday.
3. earphone的近义词
3. A passenger wearing earphone stands near an iPod advertisement in a Shanghai subway station.
4. Some local earphone dealers also offer a service that links the earphones to the students'mobile phone for a slight fee.
5. The price of the new gadget was priced at 999 yuan, the same as a bluetooth earphone for an iPhone.
6. earphone
6. Everyone queues up at the entrance to get an earphone to receive the descriptions and historical accounts from the guides.
7. The earphone is so tiny that it slipped into the student's auditory canal, causing a perforation of the tympanic membrane.