earth up

earth up [ə:θ ʌp]  [ɚθ ʌp] 

earth up 基本解释
earth up 网络解释

earth up的意思

1. 以土覆盖, 把...埋入土中:tread this earth 生活在世界上 | earth up 以土覆盖, 把...埋入土中 | 272-ease n.安逸, 安心, 不费力, 悠闲

2. 培土:earth to be borrowed ==> 缺土 | earth up ==> 培土 | earth voltage bus ==> 接地電圧母線

earth up 单语例句

1. earth up的近义词

1. The Web has cast a huge net on today's Earth, hooking up every corner of the world.

2. earth up的翻译

2. The craft circles the Earth once every 90 minutes and has to stand the tests of vast temperature differentials up to 180 degrees centigrade.

3. Taoists in the Middle Kingdom consider the mountain a symbol of earth, the central point of the five elements that make up the universe.

4. Deforestation accounts for a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions that are heating up the earth, so slowing its pace is a relatively cheap way to limit global warming.

5. earth up什么意思

5. You see them climbing up and down scaffoldings, coaxing office towers and shopping malls up from the earth.

6. earth up

6. The two orbited the Earth for five days in China's second manned space mission which ended up in a complete success.

7. Tang adds that some sections of city walls were piled up, which is uncommon among contemporaneous constructions that usually used a rammed earth method.

8. There are daily routines that would be easy for those of us on earth but a little cumbersome for those way up in space.

9. Han believes that the probe will break up and explode dozens of kilometers above the Earth's surface due to aerodynamic forces and overheating.

10. He's offered to do medical and radiation experiments while he's up there, and will use Windows on Earth software to photograph Earth.

earth up 英英释义


1. earth up的近义词

1. block with earth, as after a landslide

    Synonym: land up