ease up

ease up [i:z ʌp]  [iz ʌp] 

ease up 基本解释

移动; <非正>减轻,放松; 和缓; 散心

ease up 网络解释


1. 放松:ease someone out 体面地将某人解职 | ease up 放松 | ease 安逸

2. 嘿 嘿 嘿 别这样 别激动:- Come again? - You heard me.|- 再说一遍 - 你听见了 | Hey, hey, hey! Ease up! Ease up!|嘿 嘿 嘿 别这样 别激动 | - It's not worth it. - Come on.|- 不值得的 - 别动手

3. 放轻松:- Ease up, man.|伙计,放轻松 | Ease up.|放轻松. | l`m having a change of heart or something like that.|我改变了心意或那之类的

4. 放松/缓和:5.扔掉/派出 throw out | 6.放松/缓和 ease up | 7.吸血鬼 vampire

ease up 词典解释
ease up是什么意思

1. (在程度、速度、强度等上)缓和,减轻,减弱
    If something eases up, it is reduced in degree, speed, or intensity.

    e.g. The rain had eased up...
    e.g. New figures indicate the recession may be easing up.

2. 放松;松懈
    If you ease up, you start to make less effort.

    e.g. He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race...
    e.g. Christie was easing up over the last 10m to finish third.

3. 宽待;宽容;对…放松
    If you ease up on someone or something, your behaviour or attitude towards them becomes less severe or strict.

    e.g. The manager does not intend to ease up on his players for some time...
    e.g. Officials have eased up on the press restrictions.

ease up 单语例句

1. ease up的翻译

1. Starting a business would put his parents'mind at ease that he will not end up jobless after three years of tuition payments.

2. Those surveyed predicted Taiwan's economic contraction could ease up, based on indications from the global economy that the worst may be over.

3. ease up

3. Ease of credit generates demand that pushes up the value of property, which in turn increases the amount of credit available.

4. And those who struggled to get out of their chairs had almost twice the death rate as those who could stand up with ease.

5. Zhang said the Guangzhou Salvage Bureau's divers were tying up the Ukrainian tugboat and preparing to move it to shallower waters to ease rescue efforts.

6. ease up是什么意思

6. He called on the international community to never ease up in the fight against corruption.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. And he warned not to ease up in the waning hours of the campaign.

8. I think the city can ease the pressure by setting up new towns to curb the practice.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. He told security guards who pulled him out that the cold plunges ease the pain of breaking up with his girlfriend.

10. ease up

10. To ease worries, we have set up the Committee on the Implementation of Moral and National Education.

ease up 英英释义

ease up的意思


1. reduce pressure or intensity

    e.g. he eased off the gas pedal and the car slowed down

    Synonym: ease off let up

2. become less intense

    Synonym: ease off slacken off flag

3. move in order to make room for someone for something

    e.g. The park gave way to a supermarket
           `Move over,' he told the crowd

    Synonym: move over give way give yield