
easiest ['i:zɪɪst]  ['i:zɪɪst] 




easiest 基本解释
容易的,轻松的;不费力的( easy的最高级 );宽松的;宽裕的;从容的;
easiest 网络解释

1. 容易的:easier 更容易的 | easiest 容易的 | easiest-to-use 最容易使用

2. 最容易的:easier 较早的 | easiest 最容易的 | easilyfequentlyateveryturn 动辄

easiest 单语例句

1. A medium spread collar is the easiest with a suit or sport coat, just don't mix ties and button down collars.

2. easiest的解释

2. Reaching it by road is easiest from the Thai side of the border.

3. Instead, the easiest way to improve capital ratios is to cut lending.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Asset disposal is one of the easiest ways for companies to boost their capital or seek working funds amid the financial crisis.

5. The easiest form of a cardio workout in Beijing is running and there are many great places to jog in the capital.

6. " The weakest link may be the easiest one to change, " Zhou said.

7. Experts say the easiest and most practical way to do that will be to generate electricity with combustible gas.

8. The easiest thing to say was the dog would die or we could say let's give her a good hard go.

9. Editors working with television say it is the easiest media to digest, with a captive audience at home.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. The experts say the easiest way to catch a cold is to touch your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed.