
ebb [eb]  [ɛb] 








ebb 基本解释


不及物动词(指潮水)退; 跌落; 减少; 衰落

名词退潮; 落潮; 衰退; 减少

ebb 同义词

动词lessen diminish decline retreat decrease subside recede

ebb 反义词


名词flood flow

ebb 相关例句


1. Our hope of winning began to ebb in the third round.

2. His fortunes began to ebb.


1. The scandal brought his credibility to its lowest ebb.

2. They started sailing on the ebb.

3. The tide is on the ebb.

ebb 网络解释


1. 退潮:金钱不断地流入我的生活里 我是丰饶富裕的 你可能会经历金钱四种基本的流通状态:静定(calm),金钱的收支刚好是右手进左手出地维持平衡的局面;涨潮(flow),进来的金钱比出去的钱还多;退潮(ebb),支出的钱财比赚取的钱还多;

2. 恩德培:OKC) 恩德培 (EBB) 法兰克福 (FRA) 菲尼克斯 (PHX) 费城 (PHL) 弗洛里亚诺波里斯 (FLN) 福冈 (FUK) 福斯-杜伊瓜苏 (IGU) 福塔莱萨 (FOR) 高知 (COK) 戈业尼亚 (GYN) 哥伦布 (CMH) 格拉斯哥 (GLA) 格林斯博罗 (GSO) 哈利法克斯 (YHZ) 哈特福德 (BDL) 海得拉巴 (HYD) 汉堡 (HAM) 华盛顿 (DCA) 华盛顿 (IAD) 惠灵顿 (WLG) 火奴

3. 国内商业银行:eba.政策性银行 | ebb.国内商业银行 0.1 | ebc.非银行金融机构 0.5

4. 衰退:eating disorder 饮食性疾病 | ebb 衰退 | Ebbinghaus curve 艾宾浩斯曲线

5. ebb:equipotential bonding bar; 等电位连接带

6. ebb:extra best best; 最高质量

ebb 词典解释

1. (潮水或海水)退,落
    When the tide or the sea ebbs, its level gradually falls.

    e.g. When the tide ebbs it's a rock pool inhabited by crustaceans.

2. ebb在线翻译

2. 退潮(期);落潮(期)
    The ebb or the ebb tide is one of the regular periods, usually two per day, when the sea gradually falls to a lower level as the tide moves away from the land.

    e.g. ...the spring ebb tide...
    e.g. We decided to leave on the ebb at six o'clock next morning.

3. 衰退;减退;减弱
    If someone's life, support, or feeling ebbs, it becomes weaker and gradually disappears.

    e.g. ...as a man's physical strength ebbs...
    e.g. Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed?

4. 处于低潮;处于衰退状态
    If someone or something is at a low ebb or at their lowest ebb, they are not being very successful or profitable.

    e.g. ...a time when everyone is tired and at a low ebb...
    e.g. The Government's popularity is at its lowest ebb.

5. 起伏;消长;盛衰
    You can use ebb and flow to describe the way that something repeatedly increases and decreases or rises and falls.

    e.g. ...the ebb and flow of feeling and moods.

ebb 单语例句

1. To ease anxieties over inflation, some experts recently predicted that consumer prices will ebb in the fourth quarter.

2. ebb

2. " Taiwan people's enthusiasm for the Beijing Olympics will never ebb, " Yok said.

3. The row over the gasfield is one of several issues that have dragged ties between the two countries to their lowest ebb in decades.

4. What matters is that fate and history and common sense all point to this being the ebb of a long season.

5. It was a night of ebb and flow, with both boxers fighting in flurries and both having their moments.

6. ebb的意思

6. Does the world have some fixed amount of wealth that shifts between people, nations and institutions with the ebb and flow of the economy?

7. Yang said as global demand for coal remains at an ebb, a rebound in the domestic market might drive more coal imports.

8. China's auto sector underwent a brief ebb due to oil price hikes, but it soon returned to the fast track.

9. SHANTOU - Zhang Jianping has witnessed the economic ebb and flow in Shantou since 1990, when he made the city in Guangdong province his new home.

10. The scandals have further eroded the US'image in Afghanistan and driven its popularity to the lowest ebb for years.

ebb 英英释义



1. the outward flow of the tide

    Synonym: reflux

2. ebb

2. a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)

    Synonym: ebbing wane


1. fall away or decline

    e.g. The patient's strength ebbed away

2. hem in fish with stakes and nets so as to prevent them from going back into the sea with the ebb

3. ebb

3. flow back or recede

    e.g. the tides ebbed at noon

    Synonym: ebb away ebb down ebb out ebb off