


economies 基本解释
经济;节约( economy的名词复数 );经济情况;经济结构;
economies 网络解释


1. 经济体:而,事实上,东南亚七经济体(economies)各自国际观光竞争力却开始呈现消长互年,台湾、香港与东南亚国协(ASEAN)五国─马来西亚、新加坡、印尼、菲律宾议在计量模型中,单独使用消费者物价指数(CPI)或消费者物价指数与相对汇方法(OLS) 由观光收入或观光客人数

2. 經濟:产业内的一个代表性企业,要保持自己的地位,致力于自己的活动范围,就要使自己成为纽带或中介,促使产业作为整体所达到的经济(此处经济(economies)作节约、节省讲)传输给市场,并对产品的价格发生影响.

3. 节约措施,经济制度:economy 节约 | economies 节约措施,经济制度 | generalization 一般化

4. 節約,節省:CONCEPT概念 | economies節約,節省 | depend on倚靠...;視...而定

economies 单语例句

1. economies什么意思

1. Its ongoing development means the paper industry will act as an economic stimulant for local economies.

2. With many Western countries still mired in the global recession, emerging Eastern economies are attracting new programs and business school organizations.

3. economies的意思

3. It is believed that the agreement will further strengthen business ties and increase trade volume between the two economies.

4. The United States said last week that it will exempt seven economies from Iran oil sanctions under its National Defense Authorization Act for 2012.

5. By contrast, other Asian economies such as South Korea have had slower structural adjustments compared to China.

6. The discerning people can see some economies in the region develop very fast and seaborne trade progress day by day in recent years.

7. It would be by far the highest growth rate for any of the world's major economies.

8. China is one of the many emerging economies in Asia and South America where outbound tourism is growing by leaps and bounds.

9. The White House should know by now that it has to collaborate with the emerging economies of East Asia to revive the American economy.

10. Social protection programs then make good economic sense - acting to broaden and deepen opportunities for all and thus building more resilient and inclusive economies.