
economise [ɪ'kɒnəmaɪz]  [ɪ'kɒnəˌmaɪz] 

economise 基本解释



economise 网络解释

1. 节俭/节约:economics /经济学/经济状态/ | economise /节俭/节约/ | economiser /节热器/

economise 双语例句

1. They set up an influential committee to advise workers on how to economise in food.


2. He may even be able to turn the need to economise to his advantage.

3. I think that a feasible method for China to employ is to economise.

4. If you over-spend in one area, work out how you can economise somewhere else.

5. You can economise on jeans but not on cars.


6. The wealthy are not going to economise on good taste.

7. Many companies have to economise and they do that by reducing staff levels and lowering wages.

8. Mr Figes relates the squalor and spying that prevailed in the communalki —communal apartments designed to erode families as well as to economise on space— in which millions of Russians once lived and a few still do.

9. Why don't you retrench then-scrape up, hoard, economise?


10. It relies heavily on models that look to economise the costs of hedging.

11. But governments also realise that they are providing incentives for banks to economise on capital and take on risk.

12. Production in Australia, Japan and Malaysia was expanded; other sources of rare earths were exploited; manufacturers rapidly found ways to economise or substitute, as it were, a less rare rare earth for a rarer one.


13. Dating agencies are reappraising their business models to attract clients, while signs are emerging that customers are beginning to economise on the costs of a " special night out ".

14. Societies with more trust perform better: an expectation of co-operativeness allows a group to economise on resources it would otherwise devote to enforcement.

15. Mining executives say that metal consumers are trying to economise, using new alloys or moving into plastics whenever possible.

16. There are a few bright spots only 16 per cent of Russians are planning to economise on perfume, and 7 per cent say the item they are least likely to cut spending on is chocolate.


17. The ships that come into and out of Walvis Bay are generally in less of a hurry than they were before the downturn, steaming more slowly to economise on expensive fuel.

18. Based on practical data obtained on site and experiences in oil transportation, the article deals with various factors that affect the heat loss of crude oil pipelines, and furthermore, introduces some technical measures by which to minimize hest loss and economise energy.

economise 英英释义



1. economise是什么意思

1. use cautiously and frugally

    e.g. I try to economize my spare time
           conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit

    Synonym: conserve husband economize

2. spend sparingly, avoid the waste of

    e.g. This move will save money
           The less fortunate will have to economize now

    Synonym: save economize