
ecptoma [ek'ptəʊmə]  [ek'ptoʊmə] 

ecptoma 基本解释


ecptoma 双语例句

1. Results: The cells show fibroblast-like irregular appearance, many cytoplasm ecptoma, puff and large nucleus with obvious nucleoli.

2. Cx43 had expressed in the neonatal rat cortes and hippocampus. They distributed in cellular membrane and ecptoma of astrocytes.


3. RESULTS: Before remineralization, through SEM, short blunt eeptoma was found on the surface of lesions of samples in Chinese nutgall group and Ag( NH3 )2F group; while in NaF group, globular ecptoma was seen scattering on the surface of the lesions, together with laeune; in deionized group, there was Sharpey's fiber.

4. Because of imadaptative cultivation, endothelial cells died on the 12 day, however MCs grew quickly, their shapes were like star and triangle and had anomal-ecphyma. On the sixteenth day, MCs grew closely, 80% MCs existed in bottle bottom, cell nucleus lied the center of cell and its shape was orbicular-ovate, kytoplasm had many of irregular ecptoma.