1. 贪吃:edible可吃的 | edacity贪吃 | fact 做,制
2. 贪吃,狼吞虎咽:edacious 贪吃的,狼吞虎咽的 | edacity 贪吃,狼吞虎咽 | face 脸
3. 贪吃; 贪婪; 狼吞虎咽 (名):edacious 贪吃的; 贪婪的; 狼吞虎咽的 (形) | edacity 贪吃; 贪婪; 狼吞虎咽 (名) | Edam 荷兰球形干酪 (名)
4. 贪婪:disgust 厌恶 | edacity 贪婪 | fate 缘分,命运
1. This program primely adopt the tactics that weaken the action strength of opponent. four corners priority tactics、the most edacity tactics. at the beginning of the game and the middle of the game, the program adopt weaken the action strength of opponent, namely reduce the positionn of the opponent to play the chess mostly; at the end of the game we use the he most edacity tactics, namely to eat up the chess of the opponent to the best of one's abilities; the four corners priority tactics is run through the whole game, the four corners of the chessboard are stabilization corner, can't eated up by the opponent, so here is the most important position of player to contest, at the same time of prevent opponent to put the chess in the corners of the chessboard, we make great efforts to put the chess in the corners.
1. edacity的翻译
1. extreme gluttony
Synonym: esurience rapaciousness rapacity voracity voraciousness
2. excessive desire to eat
Synonym: esurience ravenousness voracity voraciousness