edge in

edge in [edʒ in]  [ɛdʒ ɪn] 

edge in 基本解释

插(话); 逐渐移动; 插身

edge in 网络解释

edge in什么意思

1. 挤进:edge down upon 缓缓接近 | edge in 挤进 | edge on 怂恿鼓励

2. 渐渐逼近, 挤入, 插(话等):edge down in with 渐近,[航海]徐徐斜行接近 | edge in 渐渐逼近, 挤入, 插(话等) | edge oneself into 挤身于; 设法进入; 慢慢取得

3. 侧入渐渐逼进:edge in with 向......侧入 | edge in 侧入;渐渐逼进 | edge in 侧入渐渐逼进

4. 边淡入:Edge Opacity边不透明度 | Edge In边淡入 | Edge Out边淡出

edge in 单语例句

1. But the firm's business growth has been sluggish in recent years, as its technological edge has largely failed to translate into substantial market success.

2. With their wide experience and sophisticated transaction systems, foreign banks have an edge over their Chinese counterparts in the credit card business.

3. Their attempt to maintain market share by further increasing manufacturing capacity must be weighed carefully in view of their real competitive edge in the market.

4. edge in的反义词

4. China is third in Group C, holding a narrow edge in points over Russia.

5. edge in的翻译

5. Barrett said Cardinal's competitive edge in China is its strong relationships with major drug manufacturers in the US and worldwide.

6. The move is aimed at enhancing the carrier's strength and competitive edge in the Chinese capital.

7. Hitachi isn't the only big Japanese name seeking to cash in on China's need for cutting edge environmental solutions.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. Park authorities encouraged visitors to use plastic knives in picnics and banned them from taking in cutlery that had a more than 8 cm edge.

9. edge in

9. Like any new tool or method in the market, it will quickly lose its edge and become commonplace.

10. Enterprises with competitive advantages lose their edge in exports owing to dumping charges incurred by their competitors.

edge in 英英释义



1. edge in什么意思

1. push one's way into (a space)

    Synonym: edge up