






editing 基本解释


动词编辑( edit的现在分词 ); 剪辑(电影、录音磁带、无线电或电视节目、书等); 主编(报纸、杂志等)

editing 网络解释

1. 剪辑:一首歌 词曲是灵魂 写好(Composing)一首歌不等同于做出(Producing)一首歌 编曲(Arrangement) 录音(Recording) 剪辑(Editing) 混音(Mixing) 母带处理(Mastering)不是指延期吧,只不过说明了专辑制作有一个过程,歌虽然写完了但这只是前期,

2. 剪接:我受的训练里讲电影主要是分成构图(mise-en-scene)、运镜(cinematography)、剪接(editing)和声音(sound)四大部分的. 构图、运镜是单一镜头,多于一个镜头的关系就是剪接. 你理解的剪接似乎不能有剪接室外的工作,这也无妨.

editing 单语例句

1. Wood said that during the mundane task of editing copy, " she would sometimes surprise us with an astonishingly candid remark ".

2. editing在线翻译

2. Editing and revision are just so difficult when you write with a chisel.

3. editing

3. Although the cinematography and editing helps, the two actors try too hard to present a convincing performance.

4. editing的近义词

4. Its global reporting and editing system, international communication channel and media relations network are constantly growing.

5. editing的翻译

5. Ono has marked the anniversary by editing a compilation of tributes from celebrities such as Elton John and Mick Jagger.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. The company will compose a family history by researching and editing historical materials provided by members of the family.

7. I spend my time copy editing stories that have been translated into English from Chinese.

8. editing的反义词

8. A camera crew for one performance cannot cost the earth and neither can the editing.

9. editing

9. Now she is editing her third book in a house in the northern seaside city of Wilhelmshaven where she is crashing for a while.

10. editing的意思

10. Zhang offers advice and editing free of charge, but leaves it to the authors to pitch their work to publishers.

editing 英英释义


1. editing

1. putting something (as a literary work or a legislative bill) into acceptable form

    Synonym: redaction