
ego [ˈi:gəʊ]  [ˈi:goʊ]


ego 基本解释

名词自我; 自负; 自尊心; 自我意识

ego 相关例句



1. That failure was a blow to my ego.

2. He has an enormous ego.

ego 网络解释


1. 自我意識:毋宁说, 他是个渴望纯粹 他是如此地渴望 於是纵身一跃 失去自我, 失去自我意识(ego)的结构, 因这个结构的渴望与需求和天父的旨意有段距离. 对於耶稣而言 其他所有事情都不算什麼 他单纯地允许它们掉落. 并不是这个实体否定他的根,

2. 氧传感器:发动机排气氧传感器(EGO)输出信号的实验结果.实验中采用V6、3.8 L、BUICK发动机且每个气缸中安装有一个氧传感器,以研究影响发动机消耗燃料的因素.应用LabView数据采集装置记录单个气缸废气以及主流尾气氧传感器的输出电压信号.对来自6个气缸变量的平均值采用统计的方法进行处理后,

3. ego:exhaust gas oxygen; 含氧传感器

ego 词典解释

1. 自我;自我评价;自尊
    Someone's ego is their sense of their own worth. For example, if someone has a large ego, they think they are very important and valuable.

    e.g. He had a massive ego, never would he admit he was wrong.

ego 单语例句

1. Truman Capote had such a big ego that he would have made Mozart look like a humble person.

2. ego

2. You know your ego's out of check when you have to come up with a reason you haven't been on TV yet.

3. I didn't mind either way, admiring eyes can be a boost for the wounded ego.

4. Freud also argues that dreams tap into the desire for wish fulfillment buried in the id when the controlling ego is relaxed during sleep.

5. ego的解释

5. But the worst danger of ego pollution is what happens when the skies clear and the adulation disappears.

6. ego什么意思

6. Rice praised Zoellick's " tireless work ethic, " and said he had served as her " alter ego " in the department.

7. ego的意思

7. I see it, and I'm reminded how hard I have to work not to drink the ego water.

8. However, police later determined that Lu was Huang's alter ego.

9. ego什么意思

9. The good news is that any ego bruises should heal really quickly, so don't worry about the long term.

10. His strike here was his seventh of the season, but Wenger is not worried about him developing an ego problem.

ego 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind

2. your consciousness of your own identity

    Synonym: self

3. an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others

    Synonym: egotism self-importance