
ejection [ɪ'dʒekʃn]  [ɪˈdʒɛkʃən] 



ejection 基本解释

名词射出; 喷出,排出物; 抛出; 出坯

ejection 网络解释


1. 顶出:浙江鑫得包装有限公司注册资金为5200万元,年产酒瓶盖近亿只,目前生产的防伪酒瓶盖系列主要有:顶出(Ejection)系列、爆裂(Splitting)系列、撕拉(Tear&Pull)系列、扭断(TwisttobeBroken)系列.

2. 喷射:但从高低速相间的条纹到低速马蹄涡摇摆抬升,再从低速流体向外层喷射(ejection)到外层高速流体向边界层内低速区俯冲清扫(sweep)......这一系列现象会依次演变.虽然A J Grass等人[4~6]已经证明表面粗糙时也会发生与表面光滑时相类似的猝发现象,

3. 驱逐出场:double dribble:两次运球(违例) | ejection:驱逐出场 | elbowing:打拐子

4. 喷出:eglestonite 氯汞矿 | ejection 喷出 | ejector 喷射器

ejection 单语例句

1. ejection的解释

1. Khalil objected at the start of the hearing to her ejection from court in a previous session.

2. " It was even until the ejection, " Chile coach Marcelo Bielsa said.

3. Wade had five points in the burst, which included a scary moment that led to the ejection of Boston guard Ricky Davis.

4. It was the second ejection of the series for Jackson and it will cost him dearly.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Another oddity is that this ejection came after only one technical foul.

6. Experts have questioned why Colonel Komarov did not use an ejection system to get out of the spacecraft.

7. Santiago could feel Yao's feeling when he got the frustrating ejection.

8. Even with the ejection, Zidane still won the Golden Ball as the World Cup's best player.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. " It was a big momentum shift, " Dallas'Jason Terry said of the ejection.

10. ejection

10. The league looked at the replay and gave Davis a Type II flagrant foul, which would have meant an automatic ejection had it been called during the game.

ejection 英英释义


1. the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting

    Synonym: expulsion projection forcing out

2. the act of forcing out someone or something

    e.g. the ejection of troublemakers by the police
           the child's expulsion from school

    Synonym: exclusion expulsion riddance