
elaboration [ɪˌlæbə'reɪʃn]  [ɪˌlæbəˈreʃən] 


elaboration 基本解释


名词精致; 精心制作(或计划); 详尽(阐述); 精心完成的东西

elaboration 相关例句


1. The decoration has reached an extravagant degree of elaboration.

2. An elaboration of this point will follow in Chapter 5.

elaboration 网络解释


1. 细化:RUP有4个不同的开发阶段:初始(inception), 细化(elaboration), 构建(construction)和转换(transition). 这篇文章将从一个技术的观点来介绍J2EE开发的8个基本步骤,它是维持以体系为中心的. .关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)和数据库提供数据和数据逻辑复制本文链接(URL)发送给朋友:

2. 精密性:基於相同理论的创造力评量工具不断被开发在 Guilford-style测量创造力的方法中,以发散性测验为最常见的一种,它主要评量受试者之流畅性(fluency),变通性(flexibility),独创性(originality)和精密性(elaboration).尽管这些创造力测验在内容上有很大的差异,

3. 苦心经营:这个假设意味着创造者总的创造产出不受寿命或者其他条件的限制;2)在职业生涯中,潜力通过两种实际步骤实现为创造性产出:思维强化(ideation)与苦心经营(elaboration).

elaboration 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Without elaboration, the report faults the bureau for a lack of public candor.

2. These span from elaboration of precise functional specifications over target costing to a wide ranging integration of suppliers into own business processes.

3. The same elaboration in the preparation of fresh curry exists in the making of fresh Vietnamese roll with prawns & herbs.

4. The new economic zone would aim to foster development of industries of specific characteristics, the State Council said without elaboration.

5. Any mention of Tibet requires some elaboration as it's a special case.

6. The tax authorities'elaboration on why the country's revenue growth has long and far outpaced the national economy surely helps ease public skepticism.

7. Li said Xi made a profound elaboration on major theoretical problems in today's China and urged all participants to study his speech and implement it.

8. Hu's systematic elaboration of China's position on climate change helped the international community understand the country's strategy toward sustainable development.

9. There was no elaboration of what happened in the village, where residents say five family members were killed by " indiscriminate " fire.

10. His courage and years of elaboration are respectable, and his writing will be recognized as a literary feat.

elaboration 英英释义



1. elaboration

1. developing in intricate and painstaking detail

    Synonym: working out

2. addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail

    e.g. a few remarks added in amplification and defense
           an elaboration of the sketch followed

    Synonym: amplification

3. marked by elaborately complex detail

    Synonym: elaborateness intricacy involution

4. a discussion that provides additional information

    Synonym: expansion enlargement

5. the result of improving something

    e.g. he described a refinement of this technique

    Synonym: refinement