elbow grease

elbow grease [ˈelbəu ɡri:s]  [ˈɛlˌbo ɡris] 

elbow grease 基本解释
elbow grease 网络解释

1. 费体力的工作:Elbe 易北河 | elbow grease 费体力的工作 | elbow

2. 可施展之地:nose dive 一落千丈 | elbow grease 可施展之地 | chin music 聊天

3. 费体力的工作,重活:(5)give someone the cold shoulder 冷淡某人 | (7)elbow grease 费体力的工作,重活 | (8)twiddle one's fingers 闲着无事

4. 费劲的体力活,(尤指)擦拭:double check 复查,仔细检查 | elbow grease 费劲的体力活,(尤指)擦拭 | get (something) off the ground 开始或从事某工作,在某方面取得进展

elbow grease 单语例句

1. Getting businesses to buy Google's online suite of office applications requires a little more elbow grease and marketing muscle.

2. The dough is easily done and all you need is enough elbow grease to make it smooth and pliable.

3. The threat of a fine and a little elbow grease results in a job well done.

elbow grease 英英释义

elbow grease


1. use of physical or mental energy
    hard work

    e.g. he got an A for effort
           they managed only with great exertion

    Synonym: effort exertion travail sweat