
elderly [ˈeldəli]  [ˈeldərli] 

elderly 基本解释


形容词上了年纪的; 过了中年的; 较老的


elderly 相关例句


1. Who will take care of the elderly?

2. My father is rather elderly now and can't walk very fast.

3. He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes.

elderly 网络解释

1. 老年人:elastin 弹性蛋白 | elderly 老年人 | elementary school 小学

2. 稍老的:elder 年长者 | elderly 稍老的 | eldership 长辈

3. 老年的:middle -aged 中年的 | elderly 老年的 | old 老的

4. 年长的:elderly 年长的 | neighbor 邻居 | puppy-eyes 可怜地

elderly 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 年长的;上年纪的
    You use elderly as a polite way of saying that someone is old.

    e.g. ...an elderly couple...
    e.g. Many of those most affected are elderly.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 老式的;老掉牙的
    If you describe an object as elderly, you are referring, often in a humorous way, to the fact that it is rather old or old-fashioned and not as good or efficient as a new one would be.

    e.g. Some of those artillery pieces look a little elderly.

elderly 单语例句

1. elderly在线翻译

1. An elderly woman said she would not continue to buy medicines in a shop caught selling fake drugs.

2. The elderly over 70 years old can buy half price tickets by showing their identification and go through a special access gate.

3. The elderly relatives were kind but the younger relatives and friends of the new couple were by no means easy to deal with.

4. elderly的近义词

4. Ordinary people still mark the occasion by presenting mooncakes to the elderly as tradition demands.

5. elderly的反义词

5. At least one man pulled out a gun and two people - including an elderly woman bystander - suffered gunshot wounds.

6. Elderly Chinese gather to play mahjong in an unrestored colonial building in downtown Calcutta.

7. Today is the Double Ninth Day in the Chinese lunar calendar, an occasion for paying respects to the elderly.

8. One of the largest involved a coronary care nurse who was convicted in 1984 for killing of 12 elderly patients in California.

9. elderly的翻译

9. Li said he waited for two hours for his number to be called, because more than 60 elderly people were waiting in line to do the same thing.

10. elderly什么意思

10. It intends to expand this service through 2015 by setting up at least one canteen for the elderly in every 800 households.

elderly 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. people who are old collectively

    e.g. special arrangements were available for the aged

    Synonym: aged


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. advanced in years
    (`aged' is pronounced as two syllables)

    e.g. aged members of the society
           elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper
           senior citizen

    Synonym: aged older senior