动词从事选举活动( electioneer的现在分词 )
1. 竞选活动;助选活动;拉票活动:election statement 竞选声明 | electioneering 竞选活动;助选活动;拉票活动 | electioneering activity 竞选活动;助选活动;拉票活动
2. 竞选活动 (名):electioneer 从事选举活动 (动) | electioneering 竞选活动 (名) | elective 选举的, 选任的, 根据选举的 (形)
1. 竞选活动;拉选票
Electioneering is the activities that politicians and their supporters carry out in order to persuade people to vote for them or their political party in an election, for example making speeches and visiting voters.
1. The two main opposition parties impeached Roh on charges of minor electioneering violations and incompetence, for failing to rein in corrupt aides.
2. This is politics, and electioneering is an accepted part of the game.
3. The targeted canvassing methods that he helped pioneer have become part of modern American electioneering.
4. Israel's leading political parties suspended their electioneering for the Feb 10 ballot.
5. He added there is no consensus on regulation of online electioneering activities.
1. the campaign of a candidate to be elected
Synonym: campaigning candidacy candidature political campaign
2. persuasion of voters in a political campaign
Synonym: bell ringing canvassing