
elective [ɪˈlektɪv]  [ɪˈlɛktɪv] 


elective 基本解释

形容词选任的; 有选举权的; (课程)选修的; (可选择的)可选择的


elective 反义词


形容词compulsory required appointive

elective 网络解释

1. 选修:在30个科目当中,18个是必修(Compulsory)的基础教育科目,12个是选修(Elective) 科目. 具体内容根据学生将来升大学或就业所选的专业而定. 对国际留学生,其在原居地就读中学所修读的科目,可按实际情形由学校决定能否获得承认,

2. 选修课:这一步在我们目前的教学模式中,主要以选修课(Elective)的方式表现,并且通过 Workshop (互动课) 进行适当的扩展. 选修课的形式仍然是学生们熟悉的课堂模式,但是选修课会遇到不同的老师和同学,由于选修课的学生的英语级别有所不同,

3. 选择的,随意的:elbow prosthesis 人造肘关节 | elective 选择的,随意的 | electric abortion suction unit 电动流产吸引器

4. 选任的:elective system 选课制度 | elective 选任的 | electively 选举地

elective 词典解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 由选举产生的;选任的
    An elective post or committee is one to which people are appointed as a result of winning an election.

    e.g. Buchanan has never held elective office.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. (外科手术)非急需的,可选择的
    Elective surgery is surgery that you choose to have before it becomes essential.

3. 选修课
    An elective is a subject which a student can choose to study as part of his or her course.

    e.g. Electives are offered in Tai Chi and advanced dance exercise.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 option
elective 单语例句

1. elective在线翻译

1. China's authority amended its regulation requiring universities or colleges to offer elective curriculums or lectures about sexual health.

2. elective的反义词

2. The Hong Kong Institute of Education only provides an elective on sexuality for students, she said.

3. Jolie demurred when asked if her cause might be better served if she became more political or ran for elective office.

4. elective的意思

4. The other 270 members with the committee have been produced through nomination by over 400 elective societies.

5. elective

5. His image as champion of the poor won for him various elective posts, including the presidency in 1998.

6. FIFA is meeting for the seventh time in Zurich, but this is the Swiss city's first ever elective Congress for the FIFA presidency.

7. elective在线翻译

7. As well as compulsory courses in the desired institutes, students can turn to other institutes for elective courses.

8. Although the LSE also teaches Mandarin to its own students as elective classes, these courses are not compulsory.

9. elective在线翻译

9. These include ending elective cesarean sections and induced labor deliveries before 39 weeks of gestation.

10. elective是什么意思

10. The screen was a description of an elective course at the Zhongshan School of Medicine at the university named " Harry Potter and genetics ".

elective 英英释义


1. a course that the student can select from among alternatives

    Synonym: elective course


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. subject to popular election

    e.g. elective official

    Synonym: elected

2. not compulsory

    e.g. elective surgery
           an elective course of study