
elite [eɪˈli:t]  [ɪˈlit, eˈlit] 



elite 基本解释


名词<法>精华; 精锐,精英; 上层集团; (统称)掌权人物

elite 网络解释

1. 精华:[摘要]精华(ELITE)干洗机/ESE-7350特征为所有人能够轻松地使用,本机器采用尖端电脑控制系统,可以在显示屏上显示处处机器本身运转状态. 干洗机装有逆变器(INVERTER...

2. 子:两者首先在题材选择上非常类似,对人物或事件的报道,往往要根据现行国家的需要进行选择,那些具备代表性或典型性的精英人物或者中坚份子(elite),多为拍摄对象.

elite 词典解释

1. 精英;杰出人物
    You can refer to the most powerful, rich, or talented people within a particular group, place, or society as the elite .

    e.g. ...a government comprised mainly of the elite...
    e.g. We have a political elite in this country.

2. 精英的;精锐的;最优秀的
    Elite people or organizations are considered to be the best of their kind.

    e.g. ...the elite troops of the President's bodyguard.

elite 单语例句

1. elite

1. Analysts and legal experts said it represented a brave new world in Russian business and the end of the Kremlin's tolerance of a powerful elite.

2. Clothing was the commodity most often bought by the business elite, with more than a quarter of managers surveyed buying clothing more than once a month.

3. The first is to end political control of the business sector by the privileged elite.

4. elite

4. Cai said the development of team sports must focus on popularity among children rather than the elite mode used in individual events.

5. The visit left him a profound impression of two elite universities Cambridge and Oxford, he said.

6. The 1 percent elite that control the media benefit from free market capitalism and do everything to maintain the system.

7. These socialist benefits were introduced as a result of fierce class struggle during the time, not the charity of the capitalist elite.

8. Analysts say Tehran's new caution partly shows the growing influence of more moderate or pragmatic voices among the ruling elite since December.

9. Yale graduate Pamela Haag wrote an article in The Chronicle Review on Oct 30, asking whether elite colleges are worth it.

10. This means China's elite are ready to sacrifice the comforts they enjoy at home in exchange for the citizenship of a foreign country.

elite 英英释义


1. a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status

    Synonym: elite group


1. selected as the best

    e.g. an elect circle of artists
           elite colleges

    Synonym: elect