

Emotionlessness 双语例句

1. A merican Beauty is a reflection of American life, which seems to be perfect but, the truth is ---- it's full of social problems: mid-age crisis, teenagers, family emotionlessness, drug, homosexuality...

2. HAL`s outpouring of feeling contrasts with the emotionlessness that characterizes the human figures in the film, who go about their business with an almost robotic efficiency.
    HAL 的情感发泄跟电影里人的那种冷漠无情形成鲜明对照,那些人以机器人般的效率干着手头的活计。

3. In the course of this change, the artistic ontology of feelings presented by poetry in Chinese esthetics was set up as a consequence of exploration on emotions or emotionlessness on the part of saints.