1. 肺气肿:临床上常见的诊断,如慢性支气管炎(Chronic Bronchitis)、肺气肿(Emphysema)、支气管扩张(Bronchiectasis)等,都属于这类病. 虽然它们有些症状跟哮喘相似,但哮喘多数在儿童由出世到10岁时就能诊断得出,慢性肺部阻塞,
2. 气肿:3.气肿(Emphysema)即软组织内气体积聚,多见于开放性创伤及厌气菌感染. 前者如胸部伤引起的皮下气肿,后者如四肢的开放性骨折并厌气菌感染,周围软组织内有不规则的条状透光影,沿肌肉间隙分布. 颅内肿瘤推挤邻近的脑和血管,
3. 气肿,肺气肿:crepitus 捻发音 | emphysema 气肿,肺气肿 | alveolar emphysema 肺泡性肺气肿
4. 肺胀:Tuberculosis 肺痨 | Emphysema 肺胀 | The Lung w ithering 肺痿
1. 肺气肿
Emphysema is a serious medical condition that occurs when the lungs become larger and do not work properly, causing difficulty in breathing.
1. The singer has been diagnosed with scarring on her lungs which can lead to the deadly condition emphysema.
2. The scans she was given were precautionary measures to check emphysema had not returned.
3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema and is a leading cause of death worldwide.
1. an abnormal condition of the lungs marked by decreased respiratory function
associated with smoking or chronic bronchitis or old age
Synonym: pulmonary emphysema