
emplacement [ɪmˈpleɪsmənt]  [ɛmˈplesmənt] 


emplacement 基本解释


名词炮台; 炮位; 放列动作; 炮兵掩体

emplacement 网络解释

1. 安置:本研究关切的不是瑞舞文化的形式与内容,或者应是如何的问题,亦即,不是回答其原真性(authenticity)与区域之差异样貌为何,而是有关瑞舞文化之全球形构如何可能. 这里的假设是:如果不理解亚洲被此文化安置(emplacement)的方式,无能理解瑞舞.

2. 放列动作:emplace 放列 | emplacement 放列动作 | emplane 乘飞机

3. 侵位:emperor seamounts 北潍平洋海岭 | emplacement 侵位 | emplectite 硫铜铋矿

4. 安置,定位:安全装置 safety device | 安置,定位 emplacement | 安装 fitting

emplacement 词典解释

1. 炮位;炮台
    Emplacements are specially prepared positions from which a heavy gun can be fired.

    e.g. There are gun emplacements every five-hundred yards along the road.

emplacement 单语例句

1. It is the place where the Dagu Emplacement lies, which enjoys the reputation of " Sea Gate of Ancient Fortress ".

emplacement 英英释义



1. the act of putting something in a certain place

    Synonym: placement location locating position positioning

2. military installation consisting of a prepared position for siting a weapon