
employ [ɪmˈplɔɪ]  [ɛmˈplɔɪ] 






employ 基本解释

及物动词雇用; 使用,利用

名词受雇; 服务; 工作

employ 同义词

动词retain contract engage hire use occupy busy sign

employ 反义词



employ 相关例句


1. How many workmen do you employ at your factory?

2. How do you employ your spare time?

3. She employs her time wisely.

4. The firm employs about 100 men.

5. She employs her free time in sewing.

employ 网络解释


1. 雇用,利用,使用:empirical 实验上的 | employ 雇用,利用,使用 | empower 授权与

2. 使用:subjected to 经过~,易于~,进行~ | employ 使用 | handling 操作

employ 词典解释

1. 雇用
    If a person or company employs you, they pay you to work for them.

    e.g. The company employs 18 staff...
    e.g. More than 3,000 local workers are employed in the tourism industry...

2. 使用;采用
    If you employ certain methods, materials, or expressions, you use them.

    e.g. The tactics the police are now to employ are definitely uncompromising.
    e.g. ...the vocabulary that she employs.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 利用,花费(时间)
    If your time is employed in doing something, you are using the time you have to do that thing.

    e.g. Your time could be usefully employed in attending to professional matters...
    e.g. The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified.

4. 受雇于
    If you are in the employ of someone or something, you work for them.

    e.g. Others hinted that he was in the employ of the KGB...
    e.g. Those in his employ were careful never to enrage him.

employ 单语例句

1. employ是什么意思

1. Powerful capitalist groups even employ governments in the West, which makes these groups'bosses the real rulers of Western countries.

2. Huang plans to expand his business and he hopes to employ others to carry advertisements on their backs.

3. The center is expected to employ 200 Chinese engineers by the end of this year.

4. Many local and imported cosmetic brands can help women look younger, but many are increasingly turning to traditional treatments that employ less chemical materials.

5. Under Chinese law, individual citizens are not allowed to employ foreigners.

6. In addition to cooperating with local companies to share the risk, we could employ more local people and purchase materials locally.

7. Some local governments take advantage of the power to decide the number of local civil servants and employ more people than they really need.

8. But the adequacy of disclosure by smaller companies that do not employ major accounting firms to audit them is a concern.

9. They need not employ waiting staff who can speak English and command the foreign language wage premium.

10. The employing unit shall not employ foreign nationals to engage in commercial art performances, except for those with Temporary Commercial Art Performance License issued by Ministry of Culture.

employ 英英释义


1. the state of being employed or having a job

    e.g. they are looking for employment
           he was in the employ of the city

    Synonym: employment


1. put into service
    make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose

    e.g. use your head!
           we only use Spanish at home
           I can't use this tool
           Apply a magnetic field here
           This thinking was applied to many projects
           How do you utilize this tool?
           I apply this rule to get good results
           use the plastic bags to store the food
           He doesn't know how to use a computer

    Synonym: use utilize utilise apply

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2. engage or hire for work

    e.g. They hired two new secretaries in the department
           How many people has she employed?

    Synonym: hire engage