
empowering [ɪm'paʊərɪŋ]  [ɪm'paʊərɪŋ] 





empowering 基本解释
授权( empower的现在分词 );准许;增加自主权;使控制局势;
empowering 网络解释

1. 赋权:1.赋权(empowering)病人:告诉病人,如果真的不想做,你绝对有权力开口说不. 所谓反社会性人格,在精神医学的分类里,属于人格疾患(personality disorders)的一种[iii],这类人在年纪很小的时候就有征兆可循,可能缺乏同理心地虐待小动物,

2. 赋予能力的:address 致力于,着手 | empowering 赋予能力的 | jaded 腻烦的

3. 授權之:Strengthening 增強之 | Empowering 授權之 | Brisk 活潑之

empowering 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The studio backed down, empowering Jackson and adoring online fans to complain that the film was not violent enough.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. It aims to help students realize they can make a difference by empowering them to work with peers to develop solutions to global issues.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. He has put climate change at the top of his agenda and has made strong commitments to empowering women and nuclear disarmament.

4. empowering什么意思

4. They get vicarious gratification by virtually toppling powerful figureheads and empowering themselves in the process.

5. Such an empowering move to the Taiwanese regimes pose the greatest impediment to peaceful reunification.

6. There have been loud calls for empowering the State Environmental Protection Administration to handle insubordinate local authorities.

7. " Empowering women and girls is one of the smartest things we can do, " American media mogul and founder of the UN Foundation Ted Turner said.

8. empowering的反义词

8. They say Apple's success has benefited the economy by empowering entrepreneurs and creating jobs at companies like cellular providers and businesses shipping Apple products.

9. empowering什么意思

9. His brand operates according to the motto " Empowering women through ethical trade ", according to the clothing tags.

10. empowering的意思

10. Systems empowering the public to fight official misconduct are ineffective if ordinary people are unaware of them.