
emulsion [ɪˈmʌlʃn]  [ɪˈmʌlʃən] 


emulsion 基本解释


名词乳状液; 感光乳剂; [药]乳剂; 乳胶漆

emulsion 相关例句



1. You can ask the photographer for some emulsion.

2. I need some emulsion.

emulsion 网络解释

1. 乳剂:6.乳剂(emulsion)是油和水加入乳化剂而制成的一种均匀乳状膏剂,分为油包水型乳剂(称为脂)和水包油型乳剂(称为霜). 乳剂具有保护、润滑皮肤作用,且可直接涂搽于患处,不污染衣物,易于除去,无油腻感. 适用于亚急性和慢性皮炎.

2. 乳状液:微乳液(microemulsion )通常是由表面活性剂、助表面活性剂、油、水或盐水等组分在合适配比下自发生成、热力学稳定、均匀透明、各向同性、低粘度的分散体系. 微乳液液滴直径小于1OOnm,介于胶束与乳状液(emulsion)之间.

3. 乳浊液:乳化剂的作用是把水和油混合在一起. 水和油本是不能相容,即使把水与油放在一起搅拌,静止后水与油会分成两层,油浮在水面上. 若加入了乳化剂(如洗洁剂)后再搅拌,这是油形成微滴,称为乳浊液(emulsion),悬浮放水中,故此水与油就可混合起来.

4. 乳化液:(49)乳化液(Emulsion) 由水、有机及无机化合物组成的胶体溶液,用于电火花线切割加工. (50)条纹(Streak) 在被切割工件表面上呈现的凹凸不平或色彩不同的痕迹.

emulsion 词典解释

1. emulsion什么意思

1. 乳胶漆
    Emulsion or emulsion paint is a water-based paint, which is not shiny when it dries. It is used for painting walls and ceilings.

    e.g. ...an undercoat of white emulsion paint.
    e.g. ...a matt emulsion.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 乳化液;乳浊液
    An emulsion is a liquid or cream which is a mixture of two or more liquids, such as oil and water, which do not naturally mix together.

3. (摄影中的)感光乳剂
    In photography, emulsion is a substance that is used to make photographic film sensitive to light.

emulsion 单语例句

1. The cream and whiskey are homogenized to form an emulsion, with the aid of an emulsifier containing refined vegetable oil.

2. Beat eggs and sugar together, and slowly add the oil to form an emulsion.

3. He added the plant expansion will also increase emulsion production to cover expanding customer bases for personal care and textile industries.

4. emulsion

4. The emulsion poured onto the ground and then into the rainwater pipe that is linked to the sewage system.

5. The emulsion was not toxic, but environmental experts said the discharge damaged the river.

6. The eggplant mousseline and ratatouille jus emulsion were more than an ample sparring partner for the citrus and light apple of the otherwise extroverted wine.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. The tomatoes and mozzarella were smothered with an olive oil basil emulsion which was satisfying to the palate.

emulsion 英英释义


1. a light-sensitive coating on paper or film
    consists of fine grains of silver bromide suspended in a gelatin

    Synonym: photographic emulsion

2. emulsion是什么意思

2. (chemistry) a colloid in which both phases are liquids

    e.g. an oil-in-water emulsion