
enable [ɪˈneɪbl]  [ɛˈnebəl] 






enable 基本解释


及物动词使能够,提供做…的权利[措施]; 使可能; 授予权利或方法

enable 同义词

动词sanction authorize qualify empower license

enable 反义词



enable 网络解释


1. 使能够:RAID 是 (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) 首字母的缩写,它最早于美国加州伯克利市的几个研究员在他们的论文中提出的. 它通过对多个磁盘的配置和应用来实现数据的容错功能和数据传输性能的提高. -f : 设备文件名 ( such as DDS tape driver)-e 使能够(enable)-d 使不能够(disable)

2. 能够:邱政政(William Qiu) 新东方发布3月口译笔试答案与阅卷心得城市使生活更好-->城市创造了 / 带来了更好的生活 / 使生活能够( enable )更好-->好城市,好生活 / 更好的城市,更好的生活.

3. 允许:注意:客户端在没有得到用户批准时,不应发送from标题域,因为这样做可能会产生用户隐私及网站安全方面的问题. 强烈建议在请求之前提供手段以禁止(disable)、允许(enable)、修改(modify)该域的值.

enable 词典解释

1. enable

1. 使能够;使有机会
    If someone or something enables you to do a particular thing, they give you the opportunity to do it.

    e.g. The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.
    e.g. ...a new charter for training to enable young people to make the most of their potential.

Researchers describe it as an enabling technology.

2. enable的近义词

2. 使成为可能;使可行
    To enable something to happen means to make it possible for it to happen.

    e.g. The hot sun enables the grapes to reach optimum ripeness...
    e.g. A series of holes in the side panels enables the position of the shelves to be adjusted...

3. 准许;许可;授权
    To enable someone to do something means to give them permission or the right to do it.

    e.g. The republic's legislation enables young people to do a form of alternative service.

Some protection for victims must be written into the enabling legislation.
enable 单语例句

1. The contract will enable SCN to simulcrypt programming broadcasts on its network, a requirement for future business growth.

2. enable

2. This will enable members of the public to incorporate companies and obtain business registration in one go electronically.

3. The change in the shareholding structure will enable SCNB to work more closely with Siemens'mobile business unit in China.

4. enable的解释

4. An act of parliament would be necessary to enable a member of the upper house to become prime minister in the lower house of parliament.

5. enable的近义词

5. It will also enable the BRICS members to calibrate a common position with regard to the world's hotspots.

6. Early disclosures of IPO information will enable both public investors and securities authorities to scrutinize the candidate companies more carefully and comprehensively.

7. Even the importation of cheap ethanol made from Brazilian sugar cane would not enable this alternative to oil to achieve a breakthrough.

8. enable是什么意思

8. Experts say the participation of private capital in oil projects will enable private enterprises to share the working interest in oil and gas.

9. China argues that inclusive development should enable every country to capitalize on development opportunities and cope with development challenges.

10. enable的近义词

10. The bar in the grand hall is arranged in a carefree and lighthearted manner to enable customers to relax while drinking tea or meeting guests.

enable 英英释义



1. render capable or able for some task

    e.g. This skill will enable you to find a job on Wall Street
           The rope enables you to secure yourself when you climb the mountain